Humans use robots to complete jobs that are risky or require extreme precision.
Taking part in robot projects to gain more experience and knowledge will create job opportunities and stable income in the future.
Robot projects are now widely available with many different contents. You can create or upgrade tracking, signaling, pick-and-place devices.
If you are a newbie and are still wondering which project you should join, consider these robotics projects below.
I’m sure these projects will come in handy for you.
What Are Robots?
Robots are devices that receive information from the environment through sensors and process the data obtained by algorithms.
The results from the built-in algorithms in robots will be the basis for the model to give the corresponding responses. The device’s actuator is the platform that receives commands from the controller and generates this response.
Thanks to precise mathematical and computer models, robots can process many different data types and produce the correct response to each case. Scientists and technicians have created many other robots for applications in all fields.
Why Should You Join Robotics Projects?
Convenience machines in every industry offer up-and-coming job opportunities for those who can create, code, and control robots.
So, students with knowledge of science and technology, especially in robots and automation, will have good promotion opportunities in the future.
If students are exposed to and work with machine models from an early age, they will grasp the key points when dealing with problems with robots and have appropriate thinking methods.
Robotic projects are an excellent opportunity for everyone to get involved and gain experience in programming robots.
I have compiled nine robotics projects for beginners. Each project will come with related information for your convenience. Scroll down to see more!
1. Robotic Arm

You may have heard of the robot arm, which is applicable and related to robotics.
The robot arm project allows you to learn the actuators’ structure, classification, programming, and operation.
The course accompanying the project gives you the most basic knowledge in this field, helping you understand the concepts and how to operate the equipment.
You’ll have time to study with seasoned professionals and create compelling first-hand products.
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2. Wire Motor Controller for Raspberry Pi & Arduino

If you like to build moving robots, a wire motor controller for Raspberry Pi & Arduino is the perfect project.
This one gives you knowledge regarding the main components of a mobile robot. It also instructs you on connecting the motor controller and the power supply.
The equipment used in this model is a 3-6V safe DC motor. Power for the robot comes from a 7.4V battery pack, of which 2X 18650 batteries are detailed in the guides.
This product has specific steps and will not create electrical accidents so it can be suitable even for young students.
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3. Makeblock DIY 2-in-1 Starter Robot Kit

If you want a clear understanding of how mechanical parts connect to allow robots to work, the Makeblock DIY Robot will be an excellent project for you.
It consists of an instrument that closely resembles a simple drive system. So, you can freely create your robot cars.
You can get acquainted with coding robots through MIT Media Lab’s mBlock software. You will get familiar with controlling the motor and reading the sensors on the device. So, operating a complete robot will no longer be tricky.
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4. Smart Robot For Face Recognition

Biometric identification is a safe and reputable security method technology companies promote. You might be excited to learn that you can learn how facial recognition robots work in your own home.
Through this fascinating and highly applicable project, you will understand how robots recognize your family members by facial features.
If the device recognizes it correctly, it can say hello and call out the person’s name. Necessary components and available programming instructions will make your work easier, even for beginners.
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5. Wifi Controlled Robot

Wireless connection methods have become increasingly popular for controlling electronic devices. Wireless Internet has made our lives more and more convenient and tasks completed faster.
According to this development momentum, robots that can be controllable via wifi are also engaging content that many people want to learn.
You can make a wifi Controlled Robot project at home with detailed step-by-step instructions and accompanying videos.
Through this process, you will create a finished product that a robot can connect to wifi and gain more practical knowledge.
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6. Mobile Robotics

With just your smartphone, you can already control an existing programmed robot. It will come true through the mobile robot project I present here.
This project teaches you how the Arduino Uno board works, the motor driver functions, and mainly the Dual Tone Multiple Frequency or DTMF technology. Mobile media are now using this technology extensively.
DTMF helps convert the signals from the phone into information that robots can understand and decode, producing the corresponding behavior.
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7. Twitching Eyeball Pumpkin

During the Halloween holidays, a unique pumpkin lamp will be the perfect decoration for your smart home. I recommend the Twitching Eyeball Pumpkins project to help you create a super fun robot for this festive season.
This robot is shaped like a pumpkin with many eyes, so these eyeballs can twitch, creating a scary effect for Devil’s Day. It only takes a few hours to carve, connect the components and program the device to create this model.
The details are all devices that are easy to find or readily available at home, allowing you to be creative and show off your ingenuity. The detailed project instructions will help you complete it step by step without any difficulty.
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8. Hexapod

Insects in nature use 6 legs to move, inspiring engineers to design Hexapod robots. I love these products’ stability because they outperform other 2-pins in performance and balance.
In this project, you will participate in the setup and installation of Hexapod robots and control them with your phone or tablet.
The two devices connect via Bluetooth transmission. You will create products that have good mobility and overcome obstacles with ease.
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9. Hanukkah Menorah

I was so excited to join this project as Christmas approached. After completing the project, I finished a candelabra with 9 LEDs representing nine candles.
This robot lamp became the center of attention in my family during the holiday season. Its center candle is Shamash, which will be the first part to emit light.
The remaining lights will light up from right to left according to the available programming instructions.
After completing this project by following the instructions, you’ll learn more about building circuits and programming lights for lights.
From there, you can develop your light models. You can create LED robots that blink or turn on and off according to your rules.
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Interesting initial projects will be the foundation for installing and programming more sophisticated electronics. The detailed information on these projects will guide you in learning robotics.
The practical knowledge from these projects will be an unforgettable experience, providing experience and basic understanding so that you can quickly develop more upgraded models.
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